Saturday, November 9, 2013

Stumbled right out of the starting gate

Today was a beautiful day in the bluegrass state. Sunny, a bit cool and a light breeze. My kinda day. I feel that I am most productive on days like this. I don't like heat and the older I get I'm not too crazy about the extreme cold (which I think is coming this year). I am happier and more energetic on these 60 degree days. But today I woke up with that lingering thought of "I made a commitment to not gain any more weight". Today I  must make smart decisions.  healthier choices.  The blogging world depends on this (all 4 of my followers that is!  haha).  And today I stumbled right out of the starting gate.

Before I even let my feet hit the ground I had decided what I was having for breakfast. I was going to eat some Kashi cereal and have a cup of joe. I already knew that I was out of sweetener, so I had psyched myself into putting half the amount of sugar I would normally. I was ready. I was ready to have a great morning and eat healthy. I got up, went downstairs, and put on the coffee. Then the phone call (well the text) came in, "donuts this morning?" Ugh!! Really?  He is asking if I want donuts?  Does HE not read my blog?  Does HE not know that I already decided to eat a healthy breakfast?? I looked at it, I looked again. I was prepared to say, no, not today but what my head was thinking was not what was sent in reply. "Sure,". Ugh!! Really?? I just said sure, bring the donuts?!? So, said donuts arrive, and I eat one. But just one!! So proud that I only had one. Then I left the house for a while to run some errands. For the record, I will blog later about having a support system and how much they can truly help you to stick to your goals.

At noon, my cousins from my grandmothers side all gathered for our yearly Womens luncheon.  This year it was at Ramada hotel and the food was delish. I didn't overdo it. I had one plate, single serving scoops, and I had dessert. I did have salad (that makes up for the donut right?). It was a little (ok, maybe a lot) more calories that I should have had, but it's once a year. Right? Anyway, I got home and there, right in front of me, was the dreaded Krispy Kreme box. I ate one. I was so mad, but it was so good. But I was so mad!!   

Anyway, today was not a win for food. My mom had made a brown sugar pie and yes, I had a pice of that tonight. You see, this is why I struggle with weight. I LOVE TO EAT!!!! I love to eat everything. But today I was very aware of what I put in my mouth. I can't say that a week ago I would have eaten more, or that I would have eaten less, but today I was aware. It's one step at a I time. I didn't just blow my entire day because I had a donut this morning. I am proud that I didn't have three donuts for breakfast. I am proud that I am still moving forward.

Tomorrow we are having a Thanksgiving dinner at church and then later in the day a birthday party. These are the everyday challenges that I (we), the overweight population, faces on a regular basis. Big dinners and birthday cake. But, we can still enjoy these things; we must make smarter choices, and get healthier all at the same time. What I hope to do is write about my journey, the peaks and the valleys and in the end, I hope to not only become healthier but to help and motivate others along the way. It's not going to be easy, (I will stumble out of the starting gate). And many days it won't be fun (I will probably throw the jockey and never finish the race). But in the end it will all be worth it, because there is always another race. And I can't wait.


So,  tomorrow is another day.  A new race.  And like the announcer says at the start of every horse race "and they're off!!!"

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